InvenioRDM: An Interdisciplinary Open Research Repository

Project Description

InvenioRDM enables organizations to securely house research products and make them discoverable, shareable, reusable, and citable from publications and presentations to datasets, software, lay summaries, policy documents, and guidelines. InvenioRDM was developed as part of a large, multi-organization collaboration in partnership with CERN, birthplace of the World Wide Web and developers of the Zenodo RDM for the European community. Our work is driven by user needs and informed by best practices and standards, including those that help define Next Generation Repositories as a foundation for a distributed, globally-networked infrastructure for scholarly communication, discovery, and innovation.

Together we are working to build a wide range of features that can help power biomedical research and support data sharing, innovation, knowledge dissemination, and interdisciplinary collaboration.

Visit the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) NGR resource for more information about the behaviors and technologies shown here, user stories related to the behaviors, and more.

Archived projects do not have active meetings, however, Resource Discovery Core Community Meetings occur the last Thursday of the month (10 am PT/1 pm ET). Contact for meeting invitation.

Project Leadership

Project Cores

Resource Discovery

Enabling discovery of expertise and resources within the CTSA hubs and beyond