
The COVID-19 research database enables public health and policy researchers to use real-world data to better understand and combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jun 05, 2020
Assuring a rapid and thorough public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic necessitates complete and comprehensive laboratory testing data.
Jun 16, 2020
National Library of Medicine (NLM) is preparing to launch a pilot project to test the viability of making preprints resulting from NIH-funded research available via PubMed Central (PMC).
Jun 01, 2020
NCATS is an integrator, bringing together diverse people, technologies, and information to produce insights and advances that no one could do alone.
May 29, 2020
Scientists creating secure, central database of electronic health records from coronavirus patients
May 26, 2020
The COVID-19 host genetics initiative brings together the human genetics community to generate, share, and analyze data to learn the genetic determinants of COVID-19 susceptibility, severity, and outcomes.
May 21, 2020