Peter Robinson, MD, MSc
Professor of computational biology
Community Cores
Next Generation Data Sharing
Tools & Cloud Infrastructure
Next Generation Data Sharing Core Infrastructure
This ongoing HL7 Community Engagement project focuses on clinical data model harmonization and terminology services for the CTSA hubs. The three areas of work being conducted within this project are:
1. Common Data Model Harmonization (CDMH) II: Common clinical data model harmonization;
2. Healthcare Open Terminology (HOT) Ecosystem: Value sets and terminology harmonizaiton;
3. HL7 Vulcan Accelerator: Defining/enhancing FHIR resources that connect real world data with regulated submissions;
This project provides a tool to search for biomarkers in EHR data (such as LOINC) of participating CTSA centers for conversion to Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) codes, and will extend to additional phenotype sources in the EHR.
Cloud-based Sandbox for Best Practices in Clinical Machine Learning (ML)
A sandbox project designed to create a best practices platform for deploying and evaluating clinical machine learning tools and algorithms. Goals include provisioning community-vetted solutions to common clinical machine learning challenges, including data preparation, analysis of bias sources, and evaluation/validation of algorithms.