Competitions: Stabilization, Enhancement, and Dissemination

Project Description

Competitions is a cloud-based, single sign-on, CTSA program-level competition review tool. After a successful launch, the Competitions project added features and enhancements that addressed over 200 issues in 16 software sprints, and tested 2 successfully hosted competitions from University of Massachusetts and one from Northwestern, in addition to it hosting multiple KL2 awards and the CD2H Phase III award. Project work facilitated the development of the CD2H cloud “onboarding” process using Competitions as a prototype use case, and the project is now being handed over to the NCATS cloud team to manage for the CTSA Program consortium.

Over 130 individuals from nearly 30 institutions logged into CD2H Competitions to use the software over the last 6 months and we appreciate all of the feedback and feature requests from the community during this time.

Competitions resources:

Competitions is deployed in the NCATS cloud for CTSA hubs to use

A number of institutions have expressed interest in installing their own Competitions instance. source code and documentation

Archived projects do not have active meetings, however, Tools & Cloud Infrastructure Core community meetings occur the last Tuesday of the month at 12 pm PT/3 pm ET. Contact for meeting invitation.

Project Leadership

Project Cores

Tools & Cloud Infrastructure

Creating cloud compute infrastructure for shareable, scalable dissemination and execution of tools across CTSA hubs